
55″ Wall Mount Mission Connection Display

Since Mission Connection is a ministry first we strive to work with local churches for the best and most economical solution that meets your needs. Just like our software we realize there is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to missionary displays. Our goal is to accommodate every budget. Some churches require a large display and some only have space for a small display. We will work with you to discover your requirements then discuss possible solutions in regards to screen size, display options (touchscreen, All-In-One PC, Desktop/Monitor, Laptop), Mission Connection application (web or local) and missions display area. Due to these factors final cost can only be determined after we complete the package based on your churches requirements. Please see below for some basic pricing included in every Mission Connection package.

Web Based Application

  • $24.95 monthly
  • Mission Connection setup fee (web environment)
  • Updates Included

Remote Based Application

  • No monthly fee
  • Mission Connection setup fee (local environment)
  • Software updates as needed


  • Church Activity Calendar
  • Digital Bulletin
  • Missionary Social Media Integration
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